Workshop w. Hanan Benammar
- on deserts, violence and colonial traces
During the workshop “Nomenrature”, the participants are invited to investigate a series of words taken from the work-and-title-in-progress by Hanan Benammar “Desert Bærbær”: Action, Silence, Withdraw, Emptiness, Failure, Violence, Doubt, Chaos, Ritual, Border, Nomenclature and Pabulum.
Each word is entitling a paragrapher and are divided between 4 different chapters: Desire, Strength, Metamorphosis and Hospitality.
Taking the structure of this writing-in-progress, the workshop will be an attempt to work collectively through the plethora of possibilities that offer these words and link them to the colonial history of Germany and more specifically Hamburg.
The title of the workshop is a neologism of the words Nomen (lat.: name) referring to Nomenclature (br.: system of names) and Rature (fr.: crossing out words with a horizontal line). The horizontal line of erasure bring us back to the theme of desert landscapes, which is central for Benammar’s artistic practice.
The Museum of Anthropology of Hamburg (now: MARKK) will host part of the workshop by making accessible to us their collection and archive, offer a lecture with music ethonologist Dr. Norbert Beyer and a guided tour.
In order to collect documentation for the experimental radio play, the participants are encouraged to use various techniques, such as; invasive scanning, furtive sound recordings, badly behaved interviews, stolen moments and text cut-up: this is state of legitimate offense.
Based on 5 days of collective research the workshop participants develops a live radio performance together with Hanan Benammar to be send live on Radio FSK on the 12th of January 2017, 2-4 pm, and presented in the space of Raum Links-Rechts from the 13th-15th of January 2017.